Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Nunca sabes cuánto tiempo te queda en esta vida. Asegúrate de que vivas cada día como si fuese el último. Kabbalah

type="html">Nunca sabes cuánto tiempo te queda en esta vida. Asegúrate de que vivas cada día como si fuese el último. Kabbalah

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

El día de hoy, actúa. No hay tiempo que perder. Kabbalah

type="html">El día de hoy, actúa. No hay tiempo que perder. Kabbalah

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

@tevet Have you got any kabbalah tips, on what happens to our furry friends who have departed?

type="html">@tevet Have you got any kabbalah tips, on what happens to our furry friends who have departed?

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'm so interested in this Kabbalah is kinda opened my mind any one that I know will care to join me at a seminar

type="html">I'm so interested in this Kabbalah is kinda opened my mind any one that I know will care to join me at a seminar

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

But seriously da fuck why would I study kabbalah.

type="html">But seriously da fuck why would I study kabbalah.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Nuestra alma quiere un hogar, nuestro ego quiere una casa #Kabbalah

type="html">Nuestra alma quiere un hogar, nuestro ego quiere una casa #Kabbalah

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Kabbalah: Introducción a la Kabbalah: Kabbalah

Imagina que había una sabiduría muy antigua oculta, que revelaba y unificaba las leyes espirituales y físicas de la vida, una verdadera fuente de todas las enseñanzas espirituales y religiosas en este planeta, la cual antecede a Jesús, Muhammed, Moisés, Adán y Eva, e incluso la creación misma del mundo. Las revelaciones de esta sabiduría han tenido una profunda influencia en los principales pensadores a través de la historia. ¡Esta sabiduría en verdad existe! Kabbalah: El Secreto Mejor Guardado esta conferencia es más que una presentación erudita de la Kabbalah, esta es una experiencia que te da el poder de llevar tu vida a nuevas alturas utilizando los secretos de esta antigua sabiduría. Aprenderás la raíz de los secretos de la vida que más han perdurado y comenzarás un viaje que puede cambiar tu vida AHORA.
Time:55:54More inEducation

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Kabbalah TV: Kabbalah & the 21st Century with Yehuda Berg

Join Yehuda Berg for a live Q&A as he gives a non-traditional perspective on how to transform personal and global challenges by using the power of our consciousness.
Time:33:22More inEducation

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kabbalah: Living in Secret

Join Michael as he reveals how we connect with the secret of living in 'this day' and avoid injecting doubt, fear and uncertainty into our future, how we can connect with the energy of healing potential illness that may exist in our process and how we can capture an unlimited amount of Light. Please enjoy these teachings from Inspiring Change, the blog of Michael Berg at , Co-Director of the Kabbalah Centre and folow him on Twitter @inspiringchange. More lessons available at
Time:13:34More inEducation

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Kabbalah TV: Kabbalah and Christianity with Billy Phillips

Join Billy Phillips on Kabbalah TV where he talks about the mysteries of Kabbalah and Christianity Con subtítulos en español:
Time:01:13:01More inEducation

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Kabbalah: New Moon of Sagittarius Meditation

The New Moon is considered to be the seed level for the rest of the month. It is on this day that we gather to learn about the influence of the month with a lecture specific to the energy of the coming month. By meditating on the DNA sequences (Hebrew Letters) that created each month we can tap into the positve aspects of each month and avoid the negative aspects we may otherwise encounter. The month of Sagittarius was created by the letters Samech which created the sign of Sagittarius and the letter Gimel which created the planet Jupiter.
Time:18:55More inEducation

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kabbalah: Heal the Gulf with Karen Berg

The environmental disaster unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico exposes the critical need for protection and healing of our ecosystems. Zohar Project teams around the country will unite to meditate on the Pinchas Zohar portion during the week of Pinchas, at their local coastlines and waterways. Join Karen Berg as she provides consciousness to the Los Angeles Zohar Project Team for this very important effort.
Time:19:28More inEducation

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Kabbalah TV: Rethinking Success For You and Your Children with Michal Berg

We all want our children to be successful and we do everything in our power to help them become their best. But how do we define success? We think good grades, getting into the best school, and making a lot of money means our children have succeeded. But is it enough? Are we striving for too little? A person can be successful in the material world without coming close to achieving the greatness of their soul. Success, as seen from the perspective of your child's spirit, means achieving physical success, as well as developing an awareness of something greater than themselves, and an understanding of who they are and why they are here. Teacher and mother, Michal Berg, will share kabbalistic insights and practical ways to help you guide your children toward a richer meaning of life, achieving their soul's purpose, and the true definition of success. Visit for more Kabbalah TV Events! More lessons available at http
Time:20:11More inEducation

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Monday, June 6, 2011

Kabbalah TV: The Stress Test with Ruth Rosenberg

It is universally agreed that the majority of today's mental and physical problems have their origin in the stress of life. Yet there is much confusion, misinformation and lack of direction concerning both the causes of stress disturbances and their treatment. From a kabbalistic point of view, learning how to deal with stress disturbances does not begin within the body. It begins with understanding the process of the soul. In truth, when you understand why things are happening to you, you can begin to see life's difficulties as positive pressure pushing you to achieve your maximum potential. Please join us for a stress-free lecture that can change the way you see things, help you find more fulfillment, and turn your stress into spiritual success Visit for more Kabbalah TV Events! More lessons available at http
Time:29:24More inEducation

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Friday, June 3, 2011

Kabbalah: Choosing our Process

"The great kabbalists of the past thousands of years kept this wisdom with the foresight that one day it would serve as a catalyst for personal and global change.My hope is these words awaken your heart to improve, to elevate, to be better today than you were yesterday- so we may all come closer to a world with no more pain, no more suffering, and even as the Bible and the Zohar promise, no more death." - Michael Berg Please enjoy these teachings from Inspiring Change, the blog of Michael Berg, Co-Director of the Kabbalah Centre and folow him on Twitter at
Time:16:29More inEducation

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